Wednesday, April 22, 2009

5 - Import statements generated by netbeans inside "*"

These are the list of import statements generated by netbeans when we build desktop database application. These statements are placed inside * (which is a user interface class) :
  1. import org.jdesktop.application.Action; Marks a method that will be used to define a Swing Action object's actionPerformed method. It also identifies the resources that will be used to initialize the Action's properties. Additional @Action parameters can be used to specify the name of the bound properties (from the same class) that indicate if the Action is to be enabled/selected, and if the GUI should be blocked while the Action's background Task is running.
  2. import org.jdesktop.application.ResourceMap; A read-only encapsulation of one or more ResourceBundles that adds automatic string conversion, support for field and Swing component property injection, string resource variable substitution, and chaining.
  3. import org.jdesktop.application.SingleFrameApplication;
  4. import org.jdesktop.application.FrameView; A View encapsulates a top-level Application GUI component, like a JFrame or an Applet, and its main GUI elements: a menu bar, tool bar, component, and a status bar. All of the elements are optional (although a View without a main component would be unusual). Views have a JRootPane, which is the root component for all of the Swing Window types as well as JApplet. Setting a View property, like menuBar or toolBar, just adds a component to the rootPane in a way that's defined by the View subclass.
  5. import org.jdesktop.application.TaskMonitor; This class is intended to serve as the model for GUI components, like status bars, that display the state of an application's background tasks. TaskMonitor provides an overview of all the ApplicationContext's Tasks, as well as the state of a single foreground Task.
  6. import org.jdesktop.application.Task; A type of SwingWorker that represents an application background task. Tasks add descriptive properties that can be shown to the user, a new set of methods for customizing task completion, support for blocking input to the GUI while the Task is executing, and a TaskListener that enables one to monitor the three key SwingWorker methods: doInBackground, process and done.
  7. import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; A semantic event which indicates that a component-defined action occurred. This high-level event is generated by a component (such as a Button) when the component-specific action occurs (such as being pressed). The event is passed to every every ActionListener object that registered to receive such events using the component's addActionListener method.
  8. import java.awt.event.ActionListener; The listener interface for receiving action events. The class that is interested in processing an action event implements this interface, and the object created with that class is registered with a component, using the component's addActionListener method. When the action event occurs, that object's actionPerformed method is invoked.
  9. import java.util.ArrayList;
  10. import java.util.List;
  11. import javax.persistence.RollbackException; Thrown by the persistence provider when the EntityTransaction.commit() fails.
  12. import javax.swing.Timer;
  13. import javax.swing.Icon;
  14. import javax.swing.JDialog;
  15. import javax.swing.JFrame;
  16. import javax.swing.event.ListSelectionEvent;
  17. import javax.swing.event.ListSelectionListener;
  18. import org.jdesktop.beansbinding.AbstractBindingListener; An abstract subclass of BindingListener that simplifies writing BindingListeners by allowing you to extend this class and re-implement only the methods you care about.
  19. import org.jdesktop.beansbinding.Binding; A factory class for creating instances of the concrete Binding implementations provided by this package.
  20. import org.jdesktop.beansbinding.PropertyStateEvent; An event characterizing a change in a Property's state for a particular source object.