Java is Object Oriented Programming Language. You can find many explanation of java environment and architecture somewhere else. This page is focusing on the programming example. If you see the examples in this page you will notice that a java program at least consist of a class declaration, method declaration, comments (if required/optional), and variable declaration (usually a class has several variables).
Our first program is hello java. The source code is presented below. All you have to do is copying and pasting it into your text editor, compile, and run the program :
public class HelloJava // The class declaration
public static void main(String args[]) //The main method declaration
System.out.println("Hello Java : a cup of arabica and robusta blend");
1. Copy the source code.
2. Paste it into your text editor.
3. Save the program as IN YOUR WORKING DIRECTORY.
4. Compile the program using this command :javac
5. After completing compilation process, a bytecode is produced : HelloJava.class
6. You run your program by executing this command : java HelloJava
We have more programming work to do. We are going to have another program that will print multiple lines of output. The source code is presented below. In case you are wondering what kopi luwak is Kopi luwak is coffe beans fermented inside the digestion system of a weasel like animal called luwak.
public class HelloKopiLuwak
public static void main(String args[])
System.out.println("Kopi Luwak : Exquisite Coffe produced by digestive system of ");
System.out.println("Paradoxurus hermaphroditusa, raccon-like animal." );
System.out.println("Perhaps it costs 300 or 400 dollars per kilo ");
1. Copy the source code.
2. Paste it into your text editor.
3. Save the program as IN YOUR WORKING DIRECTORY.
4. Compile the program using this command :javac
5. After completing compilation process, a bytecode is produced : HelloJavaKopiLuwak.class
6. You run the program by executing this command : java HelloKopiLuwak
We can also modify the program so that instead of having 3 println statements. We only need one.
public class HelloKopiLuwakModified
public static void main(String args[])
System.out.println("Kopi Luwak : Exquisite Coffe produced by digestive system of\nParadoxurus hermaphroditusa, raccon-like animal\nPerhaps it costs 300 or 400 dollars per kilo ");
Then what you have to do is :
1. Copy the source code.
2. Paste it into your text editor.
3. Save the program as IN YOUR WORKING DIRECTORY.
4. Compile the program using this command :javac
5. After completing compilation process, a bytecode is produced : HelloKopiLuwakModified.class
6. You run the program by executing this command : java HelloKopiLuwakModified
Until now, we only have one class. A one class program is fine inside classroom. But in actual world you need to have several classes. How to make such construct will be discussed on the next section of Java Programming.